ISSN : 2266-6060



Yosemite Park, October 2013

Natural parks are physical oxymora. To enclose the nature that must remain intact, enormous human and material resources have to be deployed. And the best way to maintain them is to allow visitors, under the control of the federal government, to admire wilderness in exchange for a fee.
For $20 per vehicle, noisy and polluting cars can therefore follow the roads drawn in the park and stop at predefined locations. Walkers and campers are also allowed to stay on certain paths and land. Other practices, however, are forbidden, and many are strictly regulated, particularly the use of fire. This domestication of humans to keep wilderness untouched operates through the design of infrastructure and multiple signages.
This one detonates: it is not made to protect nature, its fauna and flora, as elsewhere in the park, but other humans. The 9000 ft high crystal stream is not only a river with its fishes and birds, but will downstream become a source of drinking water. Even in wilderness, nature is everywhere anthropized .

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